Education & Resources
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Educational activities to download
Beach bingo (beginner)
Beach bingo for beginners
Beach bingo (intermediate)
Can you get a full house?
Rocky shore spotters guide
Visit the rocky shore with this guide
Crab colouring
Learn all the parts of a crab!
Reconciling Conservation and Recreation booklet
Learn all about reconciling conservation and recreation
Seashore Safari
Filled with fun beach activites
Make your own turtle hatchling
Reuse an old egg box to make a turtle hatchling
Make your own pop-up dolphin
Create your own pop-up dolphin model!
Sea education: Teacher pack
Learn about some of the special species that call the sea home
Make your own pop-up seahorse
Create your own seahorse model using this
20 beach activities
Full of activities to keep you entertained and educated!
Ocean Origami - Blue Whale
Learn how to make your very own pocket sized Blue Whale!