

Saltmarsh is an extremely important habitat that lies between the land and sea. Saltmarsh can be found in sheltered environments including around estuaries and harbours, where the effect of waves is less.

Saltmarsh is made up of plants that can survive in salty environments. This is because salty water covers them a couple of times each day as the tide comes in and goes back out. Saltmarsh plants play an important role in keeping this habitat stable because they trap and hold together sand and mud in their roots. They are home to lots of different wildlife, from both the land and sea. These include mud-dwelling species that provide a food source for larger animals. Many types of fish use saltmarsh as a “nursery ground” to protect young fish from being eaten! Different types of birds (such as Redshank) also use saltmarsh for shelter, and to also gather food such as shellfish, worms and fish.

How to interact with Saltmarsh

Coastal litter

How to view wildlife

Winter wading birds

How to look after Saltmarsh

Be careful where you walk when on the saltmarsh – try to avoid wetter saltmarsh if you can – some of these areas are delicate and easily damaged.
Many saltmarshes are grazed by cattle and sheep. Please keep your furry friend on the lead if there are farm animals or birds nearby.
When exploring a saltmarsh always take your litter home with you.